He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

9 Hours till the BIG move

A sip of my vino. Ahhhhhh.  These are my last few hours to really relax, to prepare my body for a 30 hour journey across 8 states, and to think back on all the amazing memories I have of growing up in California.  Being a native of CA, I admittedly have taken for granted the single most beautiful thing our state posesses.  The beach. It is truly gorgeous, especially at sunset the day after it's rained, the smog has cleared and you can see a perfect silhouette of Catalina Island.  A view my loving parents have been blessed with since moving to the beach. 

CA has been good to me. I love the state for the beauty she posesses. But that's not enough for me or my husband.  A simpler, slower paced life in Minnesota has called our names.  Are we crazy?!  You ask.  No.  Just accepting of the challenge God has set before us.  Pray for the journey we have ahead of us.  For a safe drive to our new home.  And look forward to updates from our new life in the Midwest!!


HR Gutierrez said...

LOVE the first post!! And I like what you did with the title description. Perfect!!! I miss you already. Had some tears at the gas station. You better get your computer camera asap!! I don't want to miss seeing your face.
LOVE U always!!

Emilee said...

cool blog ouie!! i love maybe one day u will have one like shauna lol! i love and miss u already!!